Medallion of Lugh
Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement by a trickster rogue or bard)
This 3-inch diameter medallion is crafted of the purest gold, yet it weighs less than a pound. Typically worn on a chain or leather thong around the neck, the Medallion of Lugh is meant to be used as a chance coin by an attuned arcane trickster rogue or a bard who loves practical jokes. Instead of random imagery that symbolizes a kingdom or empire, this medallion displays the face of the god Lugh (Heads) on one side and a caricature of the god's ass (Butts) on the other. By tossing this medallion into the air and then catching it, whichever side of the coin is facing up (Butts or Heads) will offer the attuned user a number of fun possibilities that they may interpret and act on accordingly.
The attuned creature will first determine if the medallion flip will apply to themself, the adventuring party (roll 1d8, rerolling a 1), or to another random creature (determined by the Myth Keeper). Next, they will roll a 1d20 to determine Butts (1 - 10) or Heads (11 - 20). Rolling Butts will interpret the rolled option as a bad omen, whereas rolling Heads will interpret the rolled option as a good fortune. Finally, they will roll the character level appropriate dice (listed below) and the number that is rolled on this dice will determine the message that is given by the medallion flip.
Level 1: 1d4 options (message 1 to 4)
Level 3: 1d6 options (message 1 to 6)
Level 6: 1d8 options (message 1 to 8)
Level 9: 1d10 options (message 1 to 10)
Level 12: 1d12 options (message 1 to 12)
Level 15: 1d20 options (message 1 to 20)
Level 18: 1d100 options (message 1 to 100)

Medallion of Lugh
Roll Table
d100 | Butt-Head Type | Butts / Heads Message |
74 | Embarrassing | You have been incorrect by orders of magnitude. |